As a society, we’ve faced tough decisions when it comes to our energy sources and infrastructure. Cash strapped cities and governments want to get the most out of their public fleets. Home owners, particularly rural residents, have fewer choices and less reliable access to energy than their urban neighbors. How can they ensure their family stays warm if a winter storm knocks out power for days? Businesses understand that pennies can add up to thousands in savings over the year, and that their energy and equipment choices impact future maintenance costs and frequency.
When it comes to making an important energy decisions, there’s a case to be made for propane whether you are a city government, home owner, business or farm.
Compared to electricity, it requires 66% less energy to produce and transport propane. That’s because propane itself is an energy source, while electricity must be converted from another source. Electricity then travels through miles of wires, losing energy in the process. Plus, propane appliances typically run on less energy than their electric counterparts. That means your home would consume less energy to perform its expected functions.
Propane is not considered a greenhouse gas and was approved in the 1990 Clean Air Act as an alternative energy source and. It contains less carbon than other fuel sources, like kerosene, diesel and ethanol, and it burns cleanly. There’s a reason propane is the popular choice for indoor machinery like forklifts. A propane forklift produces 97% fewer hydrocarbon and nitrogen oxide emissions compared to similarly sized diesel forklifts. That’s not just better for the planet, it’s better for employees working in the businesses using propane forklifts.
Propane converts from a liquid to a gas at -44°. If accidentally spilled, liquid propane quickly vaporizes and dissipates. It will not contaminate the ground or our precious water sources. In contrast, heating oil is an EPA hazard if tank leaks occur. The expensive burden of cleaning up after an oil leak falls on the home or business owner.
A common complaint about heat pumps is that they blow cold air. Propane burns hot. A propane heats air to about 130° to 140°, so the air feels warm and your home heats more quickly. A heat pump produces heat below body temperature, which is why it feels cool.
Gallon to gallon, propane is more affordable than oil or kerosene. After converting electrical kw/h to its per-gallon propane equivalent, propane is usually more affordable than electricity. Enrolling in Carson’s Keep Full Program creates opportunities for savings because your provider can plan our routes more efficiently. At the time of writing, electricity in Grants Pass, Oregon is about $0.115 per kw/h, which equates to about $3.11 per gallon. The current rate of our Keep Full Program for a 120-gallon residential tank is $2.90 per gallon. That works out to roughly $25 savings in a gallon to gallon comparison when filling a 120-gallon tank.
At first glance, that may not seem like much. Dig deeper, though, and savings offered by propane quickly surpasses electricity. Since appliances work less, they use less energy. Clothes dryers cost about 20% less to operate with propane. Most home owners would see an annual savings of about $150 to $200 by switching from an electric to propane water heater. Since they work less, appliances last longer. A propane-fueled furnace lasts 5 to 10 years longer than a heat pump, for example. Over time, a home owner can see significant savings by transitioning to propane.
In transportation, the cost difference between propane and other engines is staggering. Let’s look at school buses, of which about 20,000 in the US are propane-powered. Boston Public Schools estimated they saved $1,000 PER DAY in fuel costs by switching to propane-powered buses. Portland Public Schools reported that their propane buses last up to 30,000 miles longer than their gasoline counterparts. Over its lifetime, a propane-powered bus costs 66% less than an electric bus and a whopping 93% less than a diesel-powered bus. Because school districts across the country have seen such stark savings, propane bus fleets have grown 920% since 2012.
98% of propane is American-made and most propane providers, like Carson, are family-owned businesses. Propane creates American jobs, with 57,000 workers employed in propane production, transportation, and distribution.
With propane, your fuel is stored at home, so you’re less susceptible to service interruptions. While power outages in urban areas are generally fixed quickly, it can take much longer to restore power to rural areas. A snow storm in 2018, for example, cut power to rural areas of Lane County for a week, leaving unprepared residents scrambling to find alternative heat sources in prolonged freezing temperatures. Yes, it’s true home owners need to watch levels in their on-site tank, but enrolling in Carson’s Keep Full Program allows us watch the levels for you.
Virtually any major home appliance can run on propane. Your furnace, water heater, fridge, range, washer and dryer can all be powered by propane. Carson Propane carries the most recognized brands in propane-powered appliances and equipment. Make us your first stop when shopping for a propane appliance, and our knowledgeable specialists will help you select the best appliance for your needs. We also carry other specialty propane equipment such as pressure washers and outdoor cooking gear.
Whatever your propane need, Carson Propane is here for you. There are no delivery fees, no hidden surcharges, and no price creep. With us, you’ll get simple, honest pricing. New to Carson Propane? Ask us about our Special First Fill rate!
Carson Propane is Carson’s newest service offering, and is part of our continuing effort to provide energy solutions to the Pacific Northwest. Currently, our service area for propane is in Josephine, Jackson, and parts of Douglas Counties. Have questions about propane for your home or business? Call Carson Propane at 541.956.1863.
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